Intelligent Hybrid Thermo-Chemical District Networks

“Heating and cooling consumes half of the EU’s energy. Developing a strategy to make heating and cooling more efficient and sustainable is a priority for the Energy Union […]. Heating and cooling and electricity systems can support each other in the effort to decarbonise. It is essential to recognise the links between them and exploit synergies” [An EU Strategy on Heating and Cooling, 16.02.2016].

Conventional district heating and cooling systems combine these synergies by distributing heat generated from a centralized location including residual heat to remote users. However they need to be more efficient, intelligent and cheaper integrating multiple efficient generation sources, bringing down heat distribution losses and integrating storage systems.


The H-DisNet project contributes to next-generation of district energy networks developing the innovative thermo-chemical (TC) network technology. The technology exploits the high chemical potential of absorption processes for loss-free transport and storage of energy potential.

The technology will be applied to form an intelligent district network with thermal, electric and gas networks.

Read more about the technology


Loss-free energy network

This intelligent thermo-chemical district network will have a strong impact  on the future energy systems and will significantly

  • increase energy efficiency of heat transport and storage
  • increase utilization of residual heat and heat using renewable sources at low temperature
  • contribute to a wider usage of district networks by enabling heating and cooling in one multifunctional network and by including the additional services drying and humidity control
  • reduce the primary energy usage by forming energy cascades.

Read more about the impact

Project approach

The project will gain the required knowledge about processes, components, network applications as well as simulation and control methods and will demonstrate the feasibility to allow the industrial R&D to pick up the technology and to bring it to the market.

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